We appreciate all financial gifts to Lakeview, regardless of size. Thank you for considering Lakeview as the beneficiary of your gifts. The annual operating budget for our congregation is $300,000. The operating budget is funded by generous gifts and contributions from individuals who are members of the congregation and our guests.
Click here to access our Vanco Give+ portal, which allows you to securely and conveniently support Lakeview online. You can give one time or set up an account to give regularly.
You can also download the Vanco Give+ App to your mobile device. Members and visitors can search “GivePlus Church” in The App Store or Google Play to quickly find and download the app. To give to Lakeview, simply type Lakeview Lutheran Church into the App, once it is downloaded, double check that it is the one on Mandrake Rd. in Madison, WI, and select.
The general operating budget assures that our staff are paid, that our buildings and grounds are maintained, that the South Central Synod of Wisconsin-ELCA receive support, that the utilities are provided, that the lawn is mowed, that the snow is removed and that day to day needs of the congregation are met. When our revenues meet or exceed our budget, it allows us to reach into the community with ministry. Regular ministry supported by Lakeview dollars includes, but is not limited to:
• A weekly food pantry
• A quarterly Red Cross blood drive
• Being a host site for homeless guests through the Road Home of Dane County
• Building for Habitat for Humanity
• Hosting Madison Urban Ministry “Just Bakery” classes
• Hosting Madison Urban Ministry Circles of Support
• Hosting Mendota elementary literacy program
• Offering monthly senior foot clinics
• Regular adult disaster recovery trips with Lutheran Disaster Response
• Annual high school and middle school mission trips
• Supported employment for people with needs
• Annual CROP walk participation
• Annual Free Community Thanksgiving dinner
• Weekend worship, Sunday school and adult education
• Making our building and facilities available for community needs, events, and gatherings
If you would like to make a financial contribution to Lakeview, you may do that by using the Vanco Give+ link above and on the front page, downloading the Give+ App on your mobile device, or making your check to Lakeview Lutheran Church. If you are a member of Lakeview you are encouraged to use your giving envelope to assure that your tax exempt giving is recorded on your giving statement. You can also arrange to have an automatic withdrawal from your personal bank account through Vanco. The church office can assist you with the appropriate paperwork.
Lakeview Lutheran Church also has an endowment fund. Gifts can be made to the endowment for special projects. Gifts can also be given to the endowment and secured in the ELCA Pooled Trust Fund. When gifts are given here, only the interest is used for ministry in the congregation. To support the Lakeview Endowment Fund, contact the church office. We encourage people to remember Lakeview in their estate planning.
The most recent project at Lakeview was to remodel and bring our kitchen up to commercial codes so that we could continue to provide the multitude of ministries that we do from this place. Since we are still paying for that remodel, gifts to the special Kitchen Fund are welcome. Checks can be made to Lakeview and can be designated for that purpose.
Contact the church office at 608-244-6181 or [email protected].