What We Do
The ministries offered in this congregation strive to bring an inter-generational experience as they offer fellowship, education and service to children, youth and adults of all ages.

As disciples of Christ, we understand our call to go into the world and bring hope and good news to those who are lonely, those who have needs, and to those who are oppressed. We are called to reach out and be the “hands and feet” of Christ.
Details – Including Food Pantry, Thanksgiving Dinner, Quilts, Hurricane Relief Work Trips, Crop Walk, Habitat for Humanity Work

The youth and family programs offered in this congregation aim to bring an inter-generational experience as they offer fellowship.
Details– Including Rally Sunday, Confirmation Activities, Special Programs, Retreats, Fun Trips

The heart and soul of all we do at Lakeview Lutheran Church is worship.

Rummage Sale at Lakeview is an exciting and fun-filled fellowship event open to everyone in the greater Madison community.